Here's what my clients say about working with me...

" Working with Sandra has been one of the best experiences of my life.
Her support has been a crucial point in this great process of becoming more conscious and learning to love myself.
She is the best therapist I have ever worked with, and I have seen very rapid changes. Her wisdom is infinite, and the peace she transmits during our sessions is magical. "
- Veronica

" Thank you all so much for sharing this incredible journey with me.
It's been amazing to connect with each and every one of you.
From the moment I felt the calling to explore tantra, to attending Samantha's retreat and meeting Sandra in Oaxaca, everything has fallen into place.
Sandra, your teachings have helped me understand the meaning behind my practices and visions. It feels like I've always known deep down, and you've helped bring that knowledge to the surface.
I'm grateful for your guidance and excited to continue exploring and learning with all of you.
Thank you for being here and allowing me to share this experience. "
- Christina

" You've made a huge impact on my life in the past few months.
This program has helped me embrace my divine feminine energy, step into my leadership, and reclaim my power.
I've experienced abundant growth, stability, and connection in all aspects of my life. I can see the energy I've put out returning to me in amazing ways. Although I've experienced some recent anxiety, I feel stronger and more than enough.
I'm grateful to all of you for your support on this journey. Thank you! "
- Marry

" I was skeptical about the possibility of healing my family relationships, as I felt emotionally disconnected from my husband.
However, through the work I've done with the support of coaches and others, a miracle happened.
My loved ones have started to open up, and relationships I had set aside are now being nurtured. It's become clear to me that the path of the heart - our heart connection with the womb - holds immense power.
Love can overcome even the seemingly impossible. What I once thought was the end turned out to be an invitation to open a new door.
Thanks to you, this door has brought about a miraculous transformation.
I am incredibly grateful.
Thank you, thank you, thank you. "
- Johanna

" I've followed my soul's calling and entered the Yoni 2.0 stargate with Sandra and other beautiful women.
Week after week, I could feel deep changes in me after the ceremonies and the embodiment work we were doing. I started to notice these changes in my day-to-day life.
I felt really secure with Sandra, and I also felt that the path we were walking was really 'protected' in a way. It helped me liberate ancestral traumas.
I now feel more present in my body, in my life, more empowered, and I'm more sensitive to the sacred around me. I feel that I'm loved and supported.
There is so much more beauty and mystery to discover in this woman’s body. I'm so grateful to Sandra for offering these sacred spaces for women. I feel blessed to have entered that path. "
- Maéva

" The replay is also amazing Like all you're transmissions.
Thank you Sandra. So much love! "
- Michelle

" I was trying to find the right words to describe my experience because it was very personal. At the same time, I hope my words will help someone else go through the same journey because I’m a new person now.
This healing really changed my life, and I’m so grateful.
I was very skeptical, but meeting you made me have no doubt that I should do it, as I felt a deep calling for me.
It was almost a year ago, and throughout this whole year, I’m still having insights and positive flashbacks. I’m now a completely different person from who I was back then. I have a completely new circle around me, a new mindset, a steady place to live, a steady income, and I’m approaching my dreams while helping people.
I’m doing what I love in the place that I love, and I’ve finally found my peace.
You have an amazing talent for guiding people with very gentle assistance all along the way.
I’m really, really grateful because this experience was unique. It was literally the best thing that could have happened to me during a crisis when I wasn’t in the best place in my life.
You really helped me, both during and after . I’m looking forward to doing it again.
Thank you again because, yes, you made me so much happier. "
- Anastasia

" I started Roots and the first 20 minutes of your program were so healing and were SO eye opening.... I had to pause and breathe. It hit me so hard.
I am so thankful Sandra, thank you for birthing and healing the way so you could birth this program.
Thank you very much, I love you. "
- Diana Hubel

" I'm so grateful that I was connected with Sandra and entered this sacred container.
I was calling in an authentic powerful teacher to guide me on a journey with abundance, and help me to heal my lack consciousness - and she came.
Sandra is an incredible teacher. I love her presence, her pauses, her strength and her channelled teachings. I always found myself fully engaged in the sessions, absorbing the transmission on a deep cellular level.
The Abundance Codes course felt unique and I could feel the blend of Sandra's personal journey, and all the wisdom she has gathered through her devotional path.
The teachings are that of Truth, the rituals shifted energy on many levels, especially in the Roots section working with the family line, and ancestors before beginning the abundance work.
Throughout this container I was able to connect more profoundly with what I'm here to create, feel clarity and propelled movement forward. Lots of moving parts have fallen into place and I feel way more aligned and focused than I did starting the course.
My gifts have come more online and I am stepping into my power, and Truth. I received many tools and divine guidance that I'm carrying in my tool box and feel inspired to bring into daily life.
I am excited to continue my journey with Sandra into the Money codes, as more and more lack programming is cleared from my system.
I make space to receive for my gifts and expression. Sandra for me is a true blessing, a teacher/channel/ all round bad ass that I'm excited to continue to mentor with.
Highly highly recommended.
Thank you for the journey so far "
- Alex

" Thank you also for your beautiful courses, I have gained so much from them and I use the content daily, even back from almost 5years ago in the first yoni temple!!
I am very grateful for your teachings.
Thank you so much Many blessings to you "
- Jess

" I am super grateful and honored to be part of your container.
I'm watching your videos four times in pre-recording because like you are just like a diamond and I am like absorbing all the depth and profundity of your teachings.
You are so radiant. Your channeling is really amazing I like to see you in all your glory and your hallows is just amazing.
It's just beautiful to come through Wi-Fi or Zoom is incredible. It's a beautiful, beautiful, beautiful thing to witness.
So I want to thank you for said farmers for all that.
Thank you so much. "
- Makali

" Thank you so much!!
You radiate a beautiful pure clear light- and is a amazing teacher.
Thank you for addressing the ancestors and healing the root system.
Love from Chamilla Natasha "
- Chamilla Natasha

" I couldn't imagine how one person can influence my life to this level, I have increased my income radically and I have upgraded my life into a new whole level!
I recommend Sandra's guidance to anybody who is ready for an in depth transformation and expansion into the next level of their life. "
- Carla

" This journey with Sandra has been a profound breakthrough in my life, I went from bankrupt to have six figures in a matter of a month!
This has transformed my life and my family forever.
I was about to take my daughter out of school and I couldn't afford to pay for my phone plan when I went to work with Sandra, now it seems like a miracle to me and my family!!
I am starting a new business plan and we have moved to a new house!
I profoundly recommend this work to everyone! "
- Alexis

" I'm following your Abundance Code Masterclass and it is really incredible.
Thank you so much. "
- Carrie

" Thank you Sandra
Womb healing session was so good. I’m more than grateful that you are in my life.
You’re presence is a blessing. "
- Hanna

" Thank you so very much for this offering of healing the womb.
I didn't realize how much I needed it until I was done. The cords that arose for me were inky, black, oozing and full of so much trauma and dense lower vibrational energy.
This healing allowed me to finally have the closure with my ex that I truly needed and to close the connection.
I cried so much and yet felt so much peace and love from him, that I was able to realize that I will always have love for him and wish him the healing that will guide him to peace with nothing attached to it except love and gratitude.
So powerful!!! "
- Shandra Shultz

" Thank you so much!!
You radiate a beautiful pure clear light- and is a amazing teacher.
Thank you for addressing the ancestors and healing the root system.
Love from Chamilla Natasha "
- Chamilla Natasha

" You are an amazing energy worker, Sandra!
I was in Your last Quantum abundance container, and it was just Incredible! It has opened up so much for me! "
- Monica

I'm Sandra Raso
I’ve dedicated my life to helping women break free from limiting beliefs and step into their true potential.
I am an abundance priestess, healer, and feminine leader uniting ancient wisdom with modern science for the evolution of consciousness.
Through my unique method, I’ve seen 100+ women completely transform their relationship with health, abundance, money, and now, I’m sharing this method with you!
You are welcome to join us!
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