"The return of the Magdalenes"

Join us on a Free online prayer circle on the 22/02/2022 live!


It is time to acelerate your divine purpose.

Are you ready to explore the next step into Divine Feminine Leadership?

This next 22/02/2022 is a stargate portal to acelerate your next quantum revolution into your life.

We are living revolutionary times and we are here to fully step into our magic and sacred purpose.

I invite you to step into spiritual maturity as a path of self mastery, it is time!

I invite you to learn from the frequencies of Mary Magdalene to insipre your spiritual leadership in this 2022.

This is a ceremonial space to embody your higest potential in this timeline.

Hosted By

Sandra Raso

Divine Feminine Speaker | Oracular Activist

Sandra raso is an expert in ancestral healing and DNA decoding. Today She has extensive experience as a teacher of Priestess arts and feminine ancient lineages.

Studied under the wing of Quantum Physics Experts and walked with respected Toltec
Grandomothers and Curanderas from Latinoamerica.

Ordained Priestess of the Magdalene's legacy.

What we will share?

  • An initiation into spiritual maturity
  • How to mentor with Mary Magdalene
  • Prayer circle ceremony
  • Eros activation

It is your soul ready for this quantum leap? See you in the other side.

Signup For The Meeting